Aquatic Yoga Therapy, Hydrostatic Pressure and Enlightenment
“If you want to demonstrate just how significant the pressure is a foot under water, try having the person don a facemask and breathe...

Bruised Ribs and Aqua Yoga Therapy
Its been years since I have had a serious cold, but this Winter I had been struck down with a virilant pesky strain of flu that I could...

Step off of the Mat for a Refreshing Yoga Experience
Step Off of Your Mat and into the Pool… Yoga/asana has been taking on many forms in recent years, but one of the newest and most exciting...

Yoga for the Big-Hearted
Lilias Folan, internationally acclaimed yoga teacher, PBS host and Author of "Yoga Gets Better With Age," in her testimony of the "Aqua...

A new 83 year old student's take on yoga
" I AM NOT TAKING THIS FOR CERTIFICATION. I DO NOT WISH TO TEACH. I am getting older and hope to use it to prepare for death." I have...

SYTAR - What is Yoga Therapy?
It has been almost 15 years since I was asked to bring yoga to a class of people that would hopefully be able to experience the many...

More Benefits for Asana in Salt Water
How would you like to get more from your yoga practice? You are not alone. Valuable time is spent after all in even showing up for a...